A view of the Lake just before the Park

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Afternoon all from Hiawassee Georgia!

Wow the last two day were monsters! 18 and 16 mile days, needless to say we were beat. We made it to Dick's Creek Gap this morning around nine to catch the free shuttle into the Hiawassee Inn. We will be staying the night here, freshen up,clean up and wash things. We are sharing a room with Ben and Matt two brothers we met a few days ago, real good guys, and they are from Phoenix. Apparently there is an unreal buffet up at Dick's steakhouse for only 7.99 so clearly we are gonna check that out. Plan on leaving tomorrow around 11 or so and do a light 6-7 mile day to get to the next shelter. Bear activity in most of the areas has been pretty high so we always stay at shelters to hang our food. We will only be in Georgia for a few more days and then it's on to North Carolina. Next town we will probably see is Franklin, so we will shoot out another update then. Hope everyone has a great week and we miss everyone! Talk soon!!

Mike and Pete

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